The ‘Aha’ Moment: PM Influencer Series

In our series, The Aha Moment, we chat with influencers in the PM & PPM space and get to know them better. We ask a bunch of questions, some biz related and some not so biz related, in order to understand what makes them tick and find their aha moment.
This month, we’re featuring Steve Allcock, a visionary portfolio expert, driving change and transformation. With nearly 20 years of experience in change and transformation across various sectors, he has a strong focus on user-centric products and services. Notably, he played a key role in Johnie Johnson Housing’s award-winning Customer First programme and serves on the Board of Magenta Living Housing Association in the Wirral. Keep reading to explore his inspiring journey and industry impact!
Q. What is your job title and in which industry are you working in?
A. Group Business Transformation Director, Social Housing
Q. What is something unique that most people do not know about you?
A. I used to be a black belt in Sukuki karate…long time ago!
Professional Stuff….
Q. In your experience, why do projects fail or fail to meet their deadlines?
A. I think the main reason is due to poor planning and not engaging the right people at the start, middle and end of the project lifecycle. Change is all about people, so the best way to ensure success is to have the right people involved from the start and to engage all stakeholders throughout.
Q. Why should every organization have a PMO?
A. It baffles me that some organisations don’t have a PMO, as standard, when investing in change. The PMO is such an important function, as it’s there to ensure that governance and controls are in place and that the change agenda is meetings it’s objectives. Failing to have this capability can lead to all sorts of problems.
Q. What’s the most annoying thing about project status meetings?
A. When project plans are not up to date. A status meeting is what it says in the tin and it’s only productive if the audience is looking at the latest, most accurate information.
Q. What’s the most difficult thing about managing stakeholder expectations?
A. Everyone has different priorities and levels of expectations, so it’s really important to tie back initiatives to the strategic goals of the business and share a clear plan of how we get there. Not everyone will agree, but that’s where a ‘top>down’ approach from leadership is needed to set the vision, so that change teams can communicate how best to get there.
Q. If there was one activity you could remove from your daily routine what would it be and why?
A. The sheer volume of meetings. I won’t be alone in this, but our post-COVID world of hybrid working has really driven an unhealthy imbalance between talk and action. I often remind myself, and others, to think about the relevance of a meeting – what is the value, what are you contributing and what are you taking away? If you can’t answer these questions, it’s worth asking whether the meeting is needed at all. We are also currently looking at our standard governance meetings and consolidating as many of them as possible into one. We hope this will give us all some much-needed time back to focus on delivery.
Q. What advice could you give to up-and-coming professionals like yourself?
A. The world of change and transformation is best described as a rollercoaster. There will be plenty of stressful, challenging days, but also those euphoric moments when you’ve delivered a milestone or project and can see the benefits. It can be a bit of a ‘thankless’ industry at times, but always remember that small setbacks contribute to a bigger journey. Most importantly, the challenges you face in your organisation will not be unique – everyone is facing them, so reach out and network, as you are not alone!
Fun Stuff
Q. What, if anything, have you ever re-gifted?
A. Probably a bottle of wine, where I’ve received one for Christmas and forgot to get something for someone… don’t tell anyone I said that though.
Q. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
A. Lay by a pool, uninterrupted. That’s a real luxury when you have 4 kids.
Q. What is your go-to Karaoke song?
A. Summer of 69 – Bryan Adams. Always a crowd pleaser!
Q. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?
A. New York – I love the place. But then I would be cheeky and jump on a cruise down to the Caribbean – two for one!
Q. Do you love or hate rollercoasters?
A. I wouldn’t say I love them, but I’ll give them a go at least once
Q. If you could switch lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be and why?
A. It would have to be Doctor Who, so that I could travel through time and see for myself some different significant moments in history.
Connect with Steve on LinkedIn for more expert insights! Thank you, Steve, for sharing your expertise and having a bit of fun with us!