Top-down Work Management

Task Management

Work management from the executive goal down to the smallest task.

Finally, a work management solution that doesn’t force organizations to build the strategy in the weeds. Proggio is built for work management to be done from a bird’s eye view of an executive looking down on the map of the entire portfolio or project. Our modern solution enables leaders to adapt to new strategies with this perspective, while automatically aligning all the tasks that make up a portfolio or project to reflect those changes. That means task owners are always on the same page as leadership, and have their tasks organized and aligned to those strategies.

Proggio’s executive task management approach will enable your team in the following ways:

Top-down Data Management

See the data picture from the portfolio level to make decisions and edits with a top-down view to automatically align every level of your team efficiently.

Data Management

Automatic Alignment

Update the plan in one place and the whole team is notified with their user interface automatically, saving time and resources with automated notifications.

Project update alert with a timeline and diverse business professionals in discussion.

Efficient Collaboration

Work on what matters most and is automatically aligned so all your work counts toward hitting your team’s goals.

Efficient Collaboration

Easy user interface

All your work organized and prioritized according to your team’s processes and goals in a clean intuitive interface to get work done faster.

Easy user interface

Notifications and collaboration

Update the plan in one place and the whole team is notified with their user interface automatically, saving time and resources with automated notifications. “@” Message to notify them you need their input.

Notifications and collaboration

Proggio AI Bot (beta)