View and manage your entire portfolio with Workstreams.

PPM solution

Get instant high-level clarity that no other PPM solution can provide.

Gantt-based solutions make it nearly impossible to see your entire project portfolio from a high level. Endless scrolling, cumbersome navigation, and sheer overwhelm can lead to inefficiencies. Proggio’s unique Workstreams feature that our patented ProjectMap™ is built with, solves the problem with an intuitive dashboard that lets you view and manage the entire portfolio on a collaborative timeline.

Proggio’s ProjectMap™ Workstreams provide:

Optimized projects

Using a simple graphical interface, you can view and manage activities for multiple teams within a project.

Project timeline for office relocation with color-coded tasks.

Drill-down capabilities

With Workstreams, you have the space on your screen to get all of the details in one space. Proggio's split-screen functionality enables users to drill down into individual activities, to-do lists and details within the project.

Project management dashboard displaying timelines and task details for an office relocation project.

A visual snapshot

Eliminate the tangled mess of rows and columns by grouping joined responsibilities on the ProjectMap™ in their appropriate Worksream. Instantly visualize how milestones, dependencies and activities tie together.

Project timeline with tasks and milestones in a Gantt chart layout.

Intuitive displays

Give task owners and stakeholders quick insight into the status of current teams, departments or activities. with Workstreams organizing the work on one screen.

Profile cards for staff in Operations and Research with photos and rank numbers.

Automatic updates

Simply drag and drop tasks to new locations in the workstream, and Proggio automatically adjusts subsequent activities to reflect the updates.

Project timeline with colored bars and people discussing updates.

Proggio AI Bot (beta)