Proggio Advanced Features

Each level on Proggio has of dedicated tool bar with relevant features or actions to that specific view. Some actions that might be very relevant for your resource planning, might not be relevant at all on the Portfolio level. Below is a brief overview of each designated level (screen) of the application.


From Right to Left, here are the core features you should be aware of:

Search: Use free text to search for an Activity or Task title within your project. Activity boxes with matching search results will be highlighted on your ProjectMap™.

Undo / Redo changes in your ProjectMap™.

Preset View: Use the drop-down menu to switch from ‘Daily’ to ‘Weekly’ to ‘Monthly’ to ‘Quarterly’ and ‘Yearly’ view of your ProjectMap™. Alternatively, click the ➕/➖ magnifying glass  to zoom in / out. Also, you can manually scroll up and down while hovering with your mouse on the timeline.

Project Drop-down menu: Navigate between your team’s projects

Project Settings: Edit essential information about your project such as its name and description, start date, tags, color, icon and work days.
Risk Management Plan: Click to generate a spread sheet of all high risk activities in your project. Read more about it here.
Coordination Plan: Click to generates an automatic Coordination Plan, that allows you to plan for a smooth transition. Read more about it here.
Project Budget: Click to generate a budget report of your project. Read more about it here.
Export Project:
Click to export your project into a spreadsheet file.
Screenshot: Click to generate a screen shot of your ProjectMap™ and save it to .pdf file.
Data Table: Click to generate an additional data set for your project.
Plan Vs Actual:
Click to generate a Base-line of your projectmap.

Add Milestone: Add milestones to your project. Read more about Milestones here.
Add Workstream:
Adds a new workstream to the project plan
Sync Jira Listeners: After initializing your listeners, click to sync all JIRA items populated into Proggio. Read more about it here.

Import Tasks:
Bulk import a list of items to your project plan. Drag and drop each one to it’s place. 

Show Critical Chain: Click to generate the critical chain in your project. Read more about it here.
Go To Today: Select to quickly navigate to see Today in your project plan.
Zoom to Full Project: Quickly zoom out to see full scope of whole ProjectMap™.
Disable Tracking: Click to disable / enable the white tracking line on your Activity boxes.

Project Portfolio:

From Right to Left, here are the core features you should be aware of:

Filter By Team: View projects according to specific team.

Filter By Owner: View specific projects owned by specific project owners.

Filter By Tag: Tagging your projects allows you to filter them on the portfolio view (also on the ‘All Projects’ page). For example – Use Tags to identify between different departments or area of work (i.e Marketing, Software Dev, etc.)

Undo / Redo changes.

Preset View: Use the drop-down menu to switch from ‘Daily’ to ‘Weekly’ to ‘Monthly’ to ‘Quarterly’ and ‘Yearly’ view of your ProjectMap™. Alternatively, click the ➕/➖ magnifying glass  to zoom in / out. Also, you can manually scroll up and down while hovering with your mouse on the timeline.

Project Proposal: Create a preliminary plan for a future project. Lets you set out your workstreams, milestones, project Start / End Dates and Target Date.
Screen Shoot: Click to generate a screen shot of your Project Portfolio and save it to .pdf file.
Cross Project Portfolio Coordination Plan: Click to generates an automatic Coordination Plan, that allows you to plan for a smooth transition when having cross project dependencies.
Show Critical Chain: Applicable upon enabling Split Screen view. Click to generate the critical chain in your project. Read more about it here.


Team Loading:

 From Right to Left, here are the core features you should be aware of:

Filter By User Tag: View specific projects owned by their specific Tags. As the owner of a team, you can create or add user Tags to your team members from your Team Settings page. Go to Users List and click on the user’s Profile Settings.

Filter By Project Tag: Tagging your projects allows you to filter them on the portfolio view (also on the ‘All Projects’ page). For example – Use Tags to identify between different departments or area of work (i.e Marketing, Software Dev, etc.)

Preset View: Use the drop-down menu to switch from ‘Daily’ to ‘Weekly’ to ‘Monthly’ to ‘Quarterly’ and ‘Yearly’ view of your ProjectMap™. Alternatively, click the ➕/➖ magnifying glass  to zoom in / out. Also, you can manually scroll up and down while hovering with your mouse on the timeline.

Screen Shoot: Click to generate a screen shot of your Team Loading Map and save it to .pdf file.
Show Number of Tasks / Percentage: Click to switch from percentage view to a nominal figure view of tasks per a given week. Read more about it here.






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