Stay in Control Your
Project Portfolio Management
Effortlessly manage your project portfolio with the ultimate visibility.
Join Our Global Community
Proggio is proudly made in Israel and serves organizations worldwide with over +100k users.
Acheive alignment.
Empower everyone with the relevant tools, views, and
reports so your projects remain on course towards company goals.
Gain project portfolio clarity.
In one quick glance, understand the status of your entire project portfolio.
Set your organization up for success.
As Israel revolutionizes the world, choose the project portfolio management solution that will support your growth.
Top Execution
Continuous improvements become second nature with portfolio clarity.
Managerial Alignment
Harness seamless alignment towards goals with a shared portfolio view.
Know Where Things Stand
Allow stakeholder updates to autogenerate the portfolio view.
Digitize your project workflow.
Seamlessly see your projects through from start to finish in one platform.